Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Welcome to Dividend Mongrel!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I wanted to share my experiences of being a true beginner to the investing world. I started to invest at the beginning of this year and still have a lot of work to do. My  ultimate goal is to be able to retire by the age of 55. In order to achieve this goal I will be investing in high quality dividend stocks every month that pay quarterly or monthly dividend yields. Hopefully this is the start of a long and rewarding journey into financial freedom.  I have decided to broadcast my journey to financial freedom online for the world to see.  I made my first stock purchases in the beginning of 2014 when I injected $952.00 into Sony because I had no clue what I was doing. I have since then made some great changes and have read many  blogs on how to invest the right way. My goal is to invest at least $1,000 every other month into whichever dividend stock I feel provides the highest value at the time and share with you my journey to financial freedom. Thank you all for visiting! 

-Dividend Mongrel


  1. Congrats on getting started with investing and blogging. Both offer great rewards.

    1. Hey Passive Income Pursuit,
      Thanks for stopping by. I have always wanted to share some of my money saving tips with others. In the future I want to add a section of ways I have been able to free up some extra income in order to invest more into stocks. Check back soon!
      Dividend Mongrel
